Jack_FPV_ PID Tuning Method:
Tune I term, then drop D to 10, rhen Tune P and finally tune D;
Here is the sequence:
- Leave the standard Betaflight PIDs;
- Start with the easiest parameter, the I;
- Reduce the D term to 10, so it will have almost NONE influence on P term;
- Tune the P term;
- Tune the D term;
- Adjust TPA to get rid of oscillations on High throttle punches; .
WHEN TUNNING “I term”, remember:
- STart at LOW “I Term” value (25% of Standard Betaflight is a good starting point), because HIGH ‘I Term”is VERY difficult to diagnose;
- Start with standard Betaflight/Butterflight/Raceflight/Kiss values. – Slowly increase D in ateos ov 1. – Remember, too High Dterm values Can smoke your motors.
WHEN TUNNING “P term”, remember:
- STart at LOW “P Term” value (50% of Standard Betaflight is a good starting point);